Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Minor set back

Yesterday was not the funnest day.  I have a minor set back for physical training.  If you know what toe taps are, just visualize it for a moment.  For those of you who don't know what it is, it is simply switching feet while tapping them on a slightly higher surface in order to get a cardio work out. 
You'd think that a football bench, that can hold multiple 200 lb + men, could handle my toe taps... it can't.. and it didn't.  So, it flipped out from underneath me and caused me to flip backwards and fracture my wrist, and bruise (to the point its difficult to sit) my tail bone... awesome.  So, the doctor says that I need to take a few days off from working out until my tail bone is better, and to limit weight lifting (arms) for three weeks.  So i'll just use machines on my legs/abs until then.

Not fun!!!  Boo!!!!

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