About Me

My name is Amy Brady, and I am a 24 year old teacher as well as a part time graduate student at the University of West Georgia.  My hobbies include painting, creating video montages, RUNNING, hiking, archery, horseback riding, writing, anything in the water, and making people feel special.  This past summer, I went to Albania to work in the orphanges.  It was an amazing experience for me.  Now, I work with local teachers, local libraries, and individuals who have no use for their old books.  Those books go to the kids in Albania.  I really wanted to do this because I became aware that no books were there to read for pleasure.  As an avid reader, it broke my heart.  I am a volunteer for the Georgia Aquarium and I am working on my diving certificate in order to eventually dive with the Veterinarians.  I am also a field advocate for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention.

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