Friday, May 24, 2013

What am I up to now?!?!?

Other than going to the gym... and working all the time... I am training for a marathon.
That's right ladies and gentlemen... a full marathon... 26.2 miles of running!  I can't wait. September is going to here so quickly!!! Most of you know that I ran a my first half marathon in March and finished in 2:12:24!!!!  I hope that with the speed intervals and more long distance training that I can run the full marathon in 4 hours flat!  That would be a miracle. 
A lot of people say "How can you run sooooo long?"  Well, it wasn't an easy start...I hated running up until 2011 when I ran my first 5k race... because someone signed me up and took me and didn't tell me... but the drive for competition has always been inside me... so I ran.  I wanted to die after...but I did it... and I was competitive with myself.  I wanted to beat that time... be a better runner.  When I told some of my family, they thought, "really?" In high school I always sat on the couch and watched television... not an active girl.  So naturally, that would be a thought. What allows me to run so far is prayer.  I have most of my conversations with God while I'm running.  Sure there are prayers that say, "Lord give me the energy and strength to get through this run." A lot of the times though, I pray about my future, my present, my past, my family, my friends who are my family, and many people I don't know.

After having discussed with Josiah... in April of 2014 I am doing something absolutely crazy!  I can't reveal yet...but let's just say this will be the longest journey that I will have participated to date.  Childhood Cancer is near and dear to my heart.  So, this long journey will my way of getting contributions to donate towards the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

My girl Michael and I are section hiking the Appalachian Trail.  This summer, we are doing the Georgia portion!!  It's gonna be off the chain, and I will probably have to check her and myself for ticks.  I am petrified of snakes, so we will see how being in the woods goes... I found a company in Atlanta that sells Snake Wear... it's pants that are snake bite resistant!  Seriously that's awesome!!!!

I am writing a novel... I currently have 60 pages finished.  I can't reveal what it's about, but one day I hope that a publishing company will take it on as my first of hopefully many.  I am also someone who likes to experiment with therefore, I have been developing a cook book for the last eight months.  I have added over 100 recipes and I hope that gets published as well.  So many things happen at moments when they are unexpected.  I take on many projects and act like a crazy person for long periods of time... but in the end, I know that things pay off. There are reasons for my madness....

Check back to see what's new...

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