Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Adventure

Many people are unaware of this, but I decided to enter Miss Georgia United States.  It's a little different than what I have been competing in, but I think the new adventure will be a great experience for me.

Again, in November's competition, I was graced with the Miss Photogenic Award.  I could not be happier.  It was a great honor. 

Last October, I completed a goal!  I ran a marathon!  I can finally mark that off my list. 

This spring, I am hiking the Tennessee portion of the Appalachian trail!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Minor set back

Yesterday was not the funnest day.  I have a minor set back for physical training.  If you know what toe taps are, just visualize it for a moment.  For those of you who don't know what it is, it is simply switching feet while tapping them on a slightly higher surface in order to get a cardio work out. 
You'd think that a football bench, that can hold multiple 200 lb + men, could handle my toe taps... it can't.. and it didn't.  So, it flipped out from underneath me and caused me to flip backwards and fracture my wrist, and bruise (to the point its difficult to sit) my tail bone... awesome.  So, the doctor says that I need to take a few days off from working out until my tail bone is better, and to limit weight lifting (arms) for three weeks.  So i'll just use machines on my legs/abs until then.

Not fun!!!  Boo!!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

What am I up to now?!?!?

Other than going to the gym... and working all the time... I am training for a marathon.
That's right ladies and gentlemen... a full marathon... 26.2 miles of running!  I can't wait. September is going to here so quickly!!! Most of you know that I ran a my first half marathon in March and finished in 2:12:24!!!!  I hope that with the speed intervals and more long distance training that I can run the full marathon in 4 hours flat!  That would be a miracle. 
A lot of people say "How can you run sooooo long?"  Well, it wasn't an easy start...I hated running up until 2011 when I ran my first 5k race... because someone signed me up and took me and didn't tell me... but the drive for competition has always been inside me... so I ran.  I wanted to die after...but I did it... and I was competitive with myself.  I wanted to beat that time... be a better runner.  When I told some of my family, they thought, "really?" In high school I always sat on the couch and watched television... not an active girl.  So naturally, that would be a thought. What allows me to run so far is prayer.  I have most of my conversations with God while I'm running.  Sure there are prayers that say, "Lord give me the energy and strength to get through this run." A lot of the times though, I pray about my future, my present, my past, my family, my friends who are my family, and many people I don't know.

After having discussed with Josiah... in April of 2014 I am doing something absolutely crazy!  I can't reveal yet...but let's just say this will be the longest journey that I will have participated to date.  Childhood Cancer is near and dear to my heart.  So, this long journey will my way of getting contributions to donate towards the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

My girl Michael and I are section hiking the Appalachian Trail.  This summer, we are doing the Georgia portion!!  It's gonna be off the chain, and I will probably have to check her and myself for ticks.  I am petrified of snakes, so we will see how being in the woods goes... I found a company in Atlanta that sells Snake Wear... it's pants that are snake bite resistant!  Seriously that's awesome!!!!

I am writing a novel... I currently have 60 pages finished.  I can't reveal what it's about, but one day I hope that a publishing company will take it on as my first of hopefully many.  I am also someone who likes to experiment with therefore, I have been developing a cook book for the last eight months.  I have added over 100 recipes and I hope that gets published as well.  So many things happen at moments when they are unexpected.  I take on many projects and act like a crazy person for long periods of time... but in the end, I know that things pay off. There are reasons for my madness....

Check back to see what's new...
New head shot for Miss Georgia USA 2014....November 21-23, 2013!
Thank you Matt and Meredith Boyd!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day One

       So, today officially marks day one of my journey to Miss Georgia USA in November 2013!  I am so excited to go back this year. Last year was an amazing experience for me.  I was part of the top fifteen, which was an absolute blessing.  I just hope this year, I can make the judges love me enough for top five!  Last year showed me the things that I was doing right, but also the things I was doing wrong.  This year, I've enlisted the help of people who are going to make this experience even better.  I got a new dress and had the help of a dear friend to find it!  Thank you so much Lasting Impressions in Columbus, Georgia!  You helped me pick out a gorgeous gown and created the custom made earrings!  Everything is gorgeous and I can't wait to wear them!  Don Baker is an interview guru!  He works with CEO's in the business field, and so many other pageant girls who have become Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss America and Miss America Outstanding Teen!  To be able to work with him is a blessing!
      As for photos and most everything else... I have to say that Meredith and Matt Boyd are amazing.  My photos are always perfect when I go to them!  Meredith is also a make up and hair coach!  I have gone to her quite a times before the pageant last year for us to come up with an amazing make up and hair look to match the perfect dress that I got.  (Mere...what what was I thinking with my make up before I came to you...thank you for showing me the light).  I will also get to practice interview with her and stage presence... see what I mean when I say everything else!  As far as my fitness... I have to say that I will travel the seven seas to train with Josiah Igidi!  He really knows how to work you out!  I have moved from three different gyms just to train with him... He is currently at Cross Fit Brookhaven, and I will be seeing him some this summer!!!  If you enjoy cross fit, this is definitely a Great gym to check out!
    My parents, poor mommy and daddy.  I become a crazy person to  be around during the few months leading up to the event.  Daddy wants to feed me all the time because he thinks I'm being extreme, and I tell him no, but he loves me for it anyway.  Mom thinks that I do too much in the gym, and maybe she's right... but she's only looking out for her girl!  My brothers and sisters for coming to the pageant and watching me.  I know this takes time out of your schedules and you have to drive far, but I love you so much.  I also love the super neon pink and green posters you make for me!  Most importantly though, I love hearing you guys scream for me!  Hallie girl.   I hope that you will come again.  You said you had fun!!!  I can't wait to start putting you in pageants... Aunt Amy will always have contacts for you!
     Okay... if you're not in my family and you're reading this... Thank you for reading the entire list of people that you will hear about throughout the next few months... they are very special to me and will play a big role throughout this journey!